Omsetningskrav/biofuel mandates 2024

Stortinget har behandlet statsbudsjettet for 2024, og satt omsetningskrav for biodrivstoff i 2024.

Publisert 08.12.2023

De nye kravene er:  

  • Veitrafikk: 19 % med et delkrav på 12,5 % avansert. Delkravet for bensin blir fjernet.  
  • Luftfart: uendret på 0,5 % 
  • Andre formål (ikke-veigående): uendret på 10 % 
  • Sjøfart: uendret på 6 %   

Information in English 

The national budget for 2024 has been approved in the Norwegian Parliament. The biofuel mandates for 2024 are: 

  • Road transport: 19%, with a sub-mandate of 12,5% produced from feedstocks listed in Part A and B of Annex IX of RED. The sub-mandate for petrol is removed.  
  • Aviation (unchanged): 0,5%, exclusively from feedstocks listed in Part A and B of Annex IX.
  • Non-road vehicles (unchanged): 10%, exclusively from feedstocks listed in Part A and B of Annex IX. 
  • Shipping (unchanged): 6%, exclusively from feedstocks listed in Part A and B of Annex IX.