
Model development for high-resolution emissions from residential wood combustion

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In this report, we describe the MetVed model developed to estimate emissions from residential wood combustion (RWC) at high spatial-temporal resolution. The model uses a downscaling method approach, which builds on bottom-up principles and derive a wood burning potential for each grid based on the housing type, size and heating technology, energy demand and outdoor temperature of each grid.

The model builds on the combination of several databases with information at high level of detail. The databases contain geo-localised information about dwelling number and type, energy consumption statistics, fireplace and stove locations, and the available technology for residential heating. The datasets are combined and the dependencies between the different variables are analysed. MetVed includes the time variation for RWC based on the heating degree concept combined with time-variation from consumer statistics, and the vertical distribution based on the RWC shared in apartment buildings versus houses. The results from the MetVed-model have shown to improve the accuracy of dispersion modelling results when compared with predictions based on previous emission inventories.