
Cold Venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Activities - Module 1 Surveying installations to identify potential emission sources

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Sources of direct emissions of methane and NMVOC were identified by a survey of the facilities on the Norwegian Shelf.

For 15 of the installations the survey was conducted through full-day meetings with the operators key personell.

The systems on the installations were reviewed and potential sources of emissions were identified and recorded. For the remaining devices the information was collected by means of a targeted questionnaire. A total of 48 potential emission sources were detected and methods for quantifying emissions from individual sources were reviewed. The survey confirmed that the previously used quantification method is not sufficient.

(Translation of Norwegian report M-510 | 2016)

Offshore: Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel: Sammendragsrapport (M-509)

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel Delrapport 1 - Kartlegging av utslippskilder (M-510)

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel Delrapport 2 - Utslippsmengder og kvantifiseringsmetodikk (M-511)

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel Delrapport 3A - Forslag til beste tilgjengelige teknikker (BAT) (M-512)

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel Delrapport 3B - Tiltaksmuligheter og reduksjonspotensialer (M 513)

Kaldventilering og diffuse utslipp fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel Delrapport 4 - Kontrollsjekk av beregningsmetoder for diffuse utslipp og smålekkasjer (M-514)

Offshore: Cold venting and fugitive emissions

Cold venting and fugitive emissions from Norwegian offshore oil and gas activities: Summary report (M-515)

Cold Venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Activities - Module 1 Surveying installations to identify potential emission sources (M-664)

Cold venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Activities - Module 3A report - Best available technique (BAT) assessments (M-665)

Cold Venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Sub-report 2 Emission estimates and quantification methods (M-1771)

Cold Venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Sub-report 3B Abatement opportunities and reduction potentials (M-1772)

Cold Venting and Fugitive Emissions from Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Sub-report 4 Check of calculation methods for fugitive emissions and small leaks (M-1773)